
Archive for the ‘Diet’ Category

Mike’s Chili Recipe: Adapted for Low Carb

June 4th, 2013 Comments off

Ok, this one goes out to Sean, the proud owner of a brand new Crockpot. I mentioned that I have a great, easy slow cooker chili recipe, and he forcibly demanded that I post it to the blog. He can be a real jerk like that… Ok, so he asked nicely. And it was a month ago. But it’s here now, and that’s what matters.

This is actually a take on Lauren’s dad’s chili, but I’ve bastardized it to make it low carb. Due to the intricacies of marital intellectual property law, I am required to name this after Lauren’s dad. Without further ado, here goes:


Mike’s Chili ™


Ingredients List:
  • 2 lbs Hillshire Farms Spicy Sausage
  • 1 Medium Yellow Onion
  • 1 Pack – Celery Hearts
  • 1 Pack – Whole Mushrooms
  • 1 Giant Can Peeled Tomatoes (or 2 normal sized cans, however you get to 28oz)
  • Chicken or Beef Stock (1/3 of box)
  • Cumin (a normal amount)
  • Roasted Red Pepper (probably too much)
  • Garlic Powder (some)
  • Vegetable Oil (enough)

Actual Cooking Part:
  • Slice the sausage into small-ish rounds (the smaller they are, the faster they will cook)
  • Dice the onion
  • Slice the celery into 1/4 inch chunks
  • Put some vegatable oil in a sautee pan
  • Put the stove on medium high
  • Add sausage
  • Cook for 5-10 minutes until it starts to brown
  • Add in cut vegatables
  • Cook for 5-10 more minutes until the vegatable are softened
  • Remove from heat

After it cools, put it in the fridge (If you need to make it farther in advance, I have no idea how long this will last, I’m not a food scientist. Just don’t push it.)

The next morning, when you’re running late for work, put the sausage/veggie mixture in a crockpot with the rest of the ingredients (except mushrooms, see note below). Add enough chicken stock to bring liquid level halfway up the side of the crockpot pot. Set it for 10 hours on low. Boom, done. Makes 4-5 servings. Serve with shredded cheese, sour cream, and your preferred hot sauce.

If it’s possible, add the mushrooms 1-3 hours before it’s finished (or at lunch when you go home to let the dog out), but if you have to add them up front, they might be a bit soft, but they’re still mushrooms (i.e., delicious).

And if you don’t care about carbs, you can add 2 cans of beans. I like a combo of 1 can of black beans and 1 can of kidney beans, both drained, added with the tomatoes and spices.

There you go, an easy, delicious, and healthy chili recipe.

Now get off my back, Sean.


Categories: Cooking, Diet Tags: